Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trials of a Trailing Spouse

My name is Stephanie.  I am a wife, a mother and a teacher.  I am also a trailing spouse.  
I decided to start this blog as a sort of self-help mechanism.  I guess I have been having a bit of a hard time... although most of you will probably scoff at my trials.
I have been living away from home for the past 14 years, trailing my husband as he is posted from one country to another with the UN.  It sounds so romantic and exciting to live in places like Kyrgyzstan, Angola, Switzerland and Colombia, I know.  But it does indeed have its trials. 
As a result, my husband and I have decided to take a year off next year and go and do the things that we have always wanted to do.  Our two children deserve a break from the craziness of overseas living, we feel, so we are packing up and heading home in 131 days.  Yes, I am counting.  Sad, you say?  Perhaps.  I call it coping.  Over the next 131 days, I will write down what I can remember of our 14 years overseas.  My sister has been bugging me to do this for years.  It is about time I got started.
I hope you enjoy!  And I know that there are many of you out there who can relate, so please feel free to comment. 


  1. Stephanie, I'm a follower! Can't wait to read all about it. For the record, I've been "home" now for almost 3 years, and I've found myself itching for the overseas life again recently. It has felt so good to be back and reconnect with everyone though. You're gonna love being home, but in the meantime focus your energies on writing! :) Jackie

  2. I'm following this, and I'm excited to read more.

    And I'm only slightly embarrassed for you to see that my google account name has been Stephaniemags all this time.

  3. Hilarious! Welcome to you both. Thanks for following. I am at work right now, but am dying to start writing... I may have to just take a few minutes out of my day, I think. :)

  4. hey Stephanie! its been so so so long - I'm excited to read about the adventures you've been living since we last met in person.
    Erin (Paton) Harris

  5. You too, Erin! It has certainly been a very long time. What are you up to? Do you blog?

  6. stephanie... this is brilliant. i am looking forward to 'following your tales' and reading each word. it is so true... seems very luxurious to be travelling the world and in many ways it is filled with blessings. yet simultaneously riddled with challenges, especially when children are involved. you and matthew have made an awesome decision together to spend a year 'off'... we will miss you when you go, but also know that we will always stay in touch!!

  7. Hey Stephanie! I'm so excited about following your blog. I've always chatted about your travels and been interested in your stories as a travelling wife and mother. I do admire you. I must say that I LOVE TO TRAVEL, but nonetheless it does not compare to the comfort and security of home. I realize that home is where ever you are, but at times feeling like a nomad would be trying. I have found that the most healing for me has come in stopping and simplifying my life. I'm not saying that travelling is out of the question, but for now home and simplicity is healing for me.
    Cheers and happy blogging! So, the countdown would bring you to what actual date??
    love your cuz, Janice :)

  8. The countdown is to June 28th (my neice Brook's birthday), when we return to Vancouver for a year. :)
